Timezone: GMT+0
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(GMT+0) 07:55am for EUR
German Unemployment Change
(Forecast: -15K, Previous: -8K, negative outlook)
(GMT+0) 10:00am for GBP
CBI Realized Sales
(Forecast: 1, Previous: -2, positive outlook)
(GMT+0) 12:30pm for USD
Unemployement Claims
(Forecast: 413K, Previous: 418K, positive outlook)
(GMT+0) 02:00pm for USD
Pending Home Sales m/m
(Forecast: -1.5%, Previous: 8.2%, negative outlook)
(GMT+0) 02:30pm for USD
Natural Gas Storage
(Forecast: 38B, Previous: 60B, negative outlook)
(GMT+0) 11:01pm for GBP
GfK Consumer Confidence
(Forecast: -26, Previous: -25, neutral outlook)