
(From Me!) Introduction to Forex Trading and Investment

Welcome to the world of Forex. This world is a world that is very varied and certainly will not be boring, because new things will pop up every day, without a predictable with certainty. 

You certainly know that Forex is a means to invest, and investment would have two different sides, the good investments and bad investments. Good Investment means the investment is beneficial to you, whereas bad investment means the opposite, namely a loss. 

Forex can give you a capital gain to you, can even be very large. However, a wrong step can make all capital gains you'd get lost in a moment and could end up with capital losses.

Several years ago, I was introduced to the world of forex investment and since then I plunged into it. "Very interesting and challenging" is my first comment. Some times I get a capital gain and I often suffer from capital losses. But as time goes by, I increased my forex prediction capability and will certainly increase the capital gains.

There are several things that need to be a concern for people who want to get into forex investment. If you are a beginner, then you must think that the forex investment is a wild jungle. Do not ever think that - as a beginner - you have enough knowledge about the world of forex. Remember! This arrogance is enough to make you fall.

Even someone who has many years in forex trading will not deserve to brag. This is because new things are always popping up every day and there was never a formula / secret that can accurately predict the fluctuations in the forex.

This blog contains some information about the world of forex trading and forex investments are taken from various sources, and then tuned by my personal experience. Hopefully, you get a lot of things from this blog.

Happy trading!