
Skill Level in Forex Trading (3)

Stage: Standing-up

According to my experience, this is the ultimate phase. People who enter this stage already have enough knowledge to start trading forex. Understanding of strategies and technical knowledge is good. In some ways, they've even developed their own technique, adapted from existing techniques or even the results of his own improvisation.

There are not many things that need to be understood in this phase. Generally, only additions in the form of information to complement the technical knowledge that have been received on the previous phase. But the things that exist in this phase will certainly help you in trading decisions.
  • Knowledge is to know in this phase are:
  • How to filter the news
  • Period active market and the volatility
  • Forex Psychology
  • Make a plan Trading
Here, in this phase is not much technical information provided. Everything is just a form of advice and the results of trading experience that has been done by others before.  But then again, all of these will certainly a great resources of consideration that you need to know.

Happy Trading!